Standard Information and Documents that are required:
Company Details:
Name of the Entity (as per documents)
Indicates where the company is registered
must have a company domain
must be from the country where the company is registered
Tax ID
EIN - for US entities
VAT - for European entities
TRN - for UAE entities
0000000 - if not applicable (email us beforehand)
It has to be a functional/live website that demonstrates the activities of your business.
Entity Type
Business Address:
Street line
Street line 2
State (if this doesn't apply, please put accurate city/town in place of the state)
Company Documents:
Required Documents:
All documents must be signed or stamped by the authority.
Shareholder Registry - must be signed by a CPA or Lawyer.
Self-Attested Ownership Structure (in case of indirect ownership) and supporting documents (share certificates of indirect shareholding companies) are needed to establish an ownership structure.
Company Details*
Memorandum/articles of incorporation/association/incorporation
Legal Presence*
Certified copy of Certificate of Incorporation or current Trade License or any registration
Proof of Address*
Bank Statement (Last 6 months)
Optional Documents (maybe asked)
Recent excerpt from a state company registry
Director registry (applicable if there are multiple entities and UBOs are directors in entities involved within)
Certificate of good standing
Certificate of good standing
Certificate of incumbency
Adding UBO / Shareholder:
Anyone holding more than 25% of shares and controlling a company has to report as a UBO and Shareholder
All data provided while adding UBOs / Shareholders must align with their passport or identity document.
First Name
Middle Name (If applicable)
Last Name
Email (company domain preferred)
Relationship establishment date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Once you provide this information, you can choose to complete verification from that screen itself or email the links to the UBO / Shareholder.
UBO / Shareholder Required Documents:
Non-EU Resident:
EU Resident:
Residence Permit
Proof of Address